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Eclipse Phase: the story continues Part 3

At my last update, Duncan had gone through a bit of a transformation. After ruining a selfish brat's childhood Duncan's mind had become a little warped - paranoia and multiple personality level warped.

The last month has been a little uneventful for Duncan. You see, Duncan is actually a father, and his little so-and-so hasn't been sleeping well - and as any parent will tell you when the little one isn't sleeping, nobody sleeps.

There is, however, a little more to tell after the events of the brat's birthday party.

Our underworld contact was able to provide the location of our intended target and also threw in a bit of intel for us. Turns out the target has both a suicide mechanism and a mind wipe to be used in case of attack.

On a side note. One of my team members, Uusul, was acting a little funny around the underworld figure. Maybe he has had a past history in the underworld that he hasn't revealed?

Anyhow. No matter how well defended someone thinks they are, Firewall always gets its person. in short, Duncan and Uusal utilised their cloaking to sneak in and stunned the target, while Aziz and Octo-skye used brute force and grenades to take down the guards. Watching Octo-Skye in full combat was quite a site.

After taking down our target we salvaged it's stack and interrogated it. We were after the source of a new drug on the street, Drive, and we were in luck. The stack could give us a name. Finding an address for our next target was really as simple as looking them up in the phone book (not quite but you get the point).

It's at this point that Duncan strangely, and without warning, went to sleep. When he woke up he was in the middle of dismantling a bomb. Now you may remember that Duncan recently learnt the demolition skill, but really with only 50 skill points he was hardly and expert. Duncan has lot's of Moxie though and managed to get by okay.

The last thing we learnt before calling it a night is that the drug Drive, is being manufactured in a giant multi-pedal tank. I can't help think of Ghost in the Shell.

Duncan missed the next session due to family life once again getting in the way. It isn't easy being a secret agent and a parent! Hopefully, my Firewall colleagues understand.
