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Deus ex: Mankind Divided review

The Deus Ex Machina series from Eidos is now onto its third iteration. Mankind divided kicks off one year after the events of Human Revolution.

The world of Deus Ex Machina is one in which humanity is on the cusp of wide-spread change, chiefly brought about by the development of human/cybernetic augmentation. The events of Human Revolution saw a major flaw in the technology when a terrorist was able to infect all augmented people with a computer virus that sent them into an enraged violent mental state.

The impact of this attack can not be overstated. Millions were slaughtered as family members, colleagues, friends, and strangers butchered each other ruthlessly before the effects of the virus could be reversed. It is the aftershock of this event that sets the scene for Mankind Divided.

Public opinion is now heavily against the 'Augs', who are blamed for the attack. All over the world, new laws are being introduced to combat the Aug threat. The game is set in Prague, once seen as a liberal paradise for Aug rights, but now on the cusp of a vote that would see all Augs stripped of their human rights and sent into a ghetto/prison - nicknamed Gollum City.

Only a matter days from this important vote, a terrorist attack on a crowded Prague station kills hundreds. The attack is blamed on an Aug rights group by the media.

Enter the protagonist Adam Jensen, our trusty Augmented agent who is brought in to investigate the bombing.

What I liked 

Mankind divided is clearly a step up from Human Evolution in terms of graphics, size of the explorable world and story-telling. As with Human Revolution, the music score is fantastic. I usually play the Human Revolution score in the background when I play Eclipse Phase, but will definitely switch to the new soundtrack.

The setting in Prague is quite different than Human Revolution. The mix of both traditional and post-modern architecture feels more realistic.

Gameplay wise not much has changed. Espionage, research, and persuasion are still your strongest tools, but eliminating an apartment of terrorists (or innocent bystanders) is still a legitimate option depending on the style of game you want to play.

There is a real lack of intelligent sci fi games on the market, I've been looking forward to Mankind divided for a while now. If you are a keen gamer with an interest in sci fi, transhumanism or cyberpunk settings, I think you will enjoy this game too.

You can pick up a copy here: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - PlayStation 4
