After our heroes welcome at Elkridge, the group are content to move on back to Arabel with the Neldrath stone. Now I would like to take the time to put to bed some rumours that our foray into the mountains and encounter with Bejark was a "disaster", " a horrible war crime", or any other negative adjective. Its true that Bejark escaped, and yes it's true that an ancient city of priceless archaeological value was destroyed, and nobody is denying that, yes, a verdant jungle biome thriving with life and supporting countless communities was snuffed out. But what people don't understand is that at the end of the day what is important is that we got our stone and that's all the wizard-man/quest-giver in Arabal wanted us to do. Now some people might object to this by pointing out that we had only known this wizard-man/quest-giver in Arabal for like, what, 30 minutes. And on his word we defaced and destroyed an ancient ecological system. What these people don...
Torn Branches: A Science Fiction Review
A collection of sci fi works and reviews